Browsing news: Contracts and case studies

    • AXA regulates training quality with TAP

      The Training Foundation | Coventry, United Kingdom |

      Part of the 15th largest company in the world, AXA Sun Life provides pensions, financial planning and investment solutions and advice to millions of individuals and businesses through Britannia and Birmingham Midshires. In the fiercely competitive, tightly regulated financial services sector, it is essential that all customer facing staff are trained to sell the right product at the right time in a way that is fair to all customers, whether individuals or companies. This responsibility falls to Regulated Sales Training Manager Paul Ingleby and his team of four trainers, who operate out of AXA's Coventry-based head office.

    • TAP Inspires Oxford University

      The Training Foundation | Oxford, England |

      The University of Oxford lays claim to be the oldest university in the English speaking world, attracting over 18,000 students from more than 130 countries and employing over 8,500 university staff. In an environment where the mission is to provide exceptional education to the very best of the world's students and to attract, develop and retain the highest calibre of academic staff it is not surprising that similarly high aspirations apply to the delivery of essential business support systems and services.

    • Cwm Taf NHS Trust in TAP

      The Training Foundation | Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, UK |

      The integration of the former North Glamorgan and Pontypridd & Rhondda NHS Trusts in April 2008 to form Cwm Taf NHS Trust brought together a full spectrum of healthcare services with the objective of providing quality, patient focused healthcare to around 330,000 people across both regions. From a training and educational perspective this means ensuring that staff have the right skills in the right place at the right time. The merger presented a number of challenges to Helen Thomas, who heads up the new Trust's Corporate Training Department. Not only did she have the cultural issue of amalgamating two training teams from the former Trusts, but also the task of ensuring a consistent, high quality
      approach to the design, delivery, accreditation and evaluation of all corporate training programmes.

    • BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeraete GmbH introduces CLIX® for training service engineers

      imc | Seveoaks, UK |

      The Customer Service Department of BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH has opted for CLIX® by way of a corporate-wide Learning Management System to train its service engineers. The roll-out of the system will kick off with courses at the Customer Service Centre, as well as in Austria and Turkey, and by 2010 there should be 20 branches all over the world using the learning platform created by IMC, the leading provider of Learning Management solutions.

    • Content Master at MIX show in Vegas

      Civica | Las Vegas USA |

      Content Master developer guru Derek Lakin will be at the MIX show in Las Vegas. The show, which runs from 5th to 7th March is billed as an intimate opportunity for cutting-edge technical, creative and business strategists to engage Microsoft in a conversation about the future of the web. Speakers will be exploring the latest opportunities to redefine the boundaries between content and commerce, PC and TV, Windows and the Web.

    • Microsoft launches Customer Care training by Content Master

      Civica | Redmond USA |

      Microsoft Corp has launched an integrated range of training and product launch materials produced by the leading UK technical communications company Content Master. The range of materials supports the launch of Microsoft Customer Care Framework (CCF) 2008, and includes media rich e’Learning courseware, 4 MSDN virtual labs, and a 2-day instructor led training course. The audience for the materials are developers and Microsoft’s partners that are introducing CCF into customer care solutions worldwide.

    • Torbay opts for Tata Interactive Systems' Integrated Working Programme

      MPS Interactive Systems | London, UK and Mumbai, India |

      Torbay Children's Services has commissioned the global learning provider, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), to develop an eLearning course in Integrated Working. The modular programme enables those working across children's services to understand how to work together more effectively in order to improve outcomes for children and young people.

    • AccessPlanit celebrates a £1,000,000 milestone

      Accessplanit | Learning Technologies 2008 |

      Training management software company AccessPlanit is celebrating a £1,000,000 milestone by announcing the launch of a new version of its AccessPlan software exclusively for training providers.

    • Content Master "masters" Microsoft Silverlight and Expression Studio

      Civica | UK |

      Content Master has produced "Core Silverlight 1.0 for Designers", an instructor led three-day training course for Microsoft Corp. The course is the first to be available reflecting close collaboration with the Microsoft Expression Studio team and it will be available for Microsoft training partners worldwide.

    • Epic announces e-learning programme for social care workforce

      Epic | UK |

      Epic are delighted to announce that they are working with The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to develop an e-learning programme on inter-professional working skills. The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) was established by Government in 2001 to improve social care services for adults and children in the United Kingdom by identifying good practice and helping to embed it in everyday social care provision.

    • NLP Practitioner Certificate with The Performance Solution helped to create popular new fashion webzine

      The Performance Solution | UK |

      A Website Creator and NLP graduate describes how she used NLP Skills to create the popular new webzine The fashion webzine was launched in June this year, after the creator completed NLP practitioner training with The Performance Solution in Wiltshire. It is described as ‘the ultimate guide for ladies of style’ and is experiencing a rapid increase in its viewing figures since launching.