Heppell helps eLearning Network celebrate 25 years
Stephen Heppell, Europe’s leading online education expert is to provide the keynote session at the eLearning Network’s landmark 25th birthday celebrations in London.
With a host of eminent positions at the University of Wales and the universities of Bournemouth, and Anglia Ruskin, Heppell will host a session exploring the impact of technology on learning - in London on 6 December. It is a fitting part of a programme designed to celebrate the past 25 years of the eLearning Network whilst looking ahead to what the next 25 years might bring.
The event, due to be held at the Museum of London, will showcase the very best that elearning has to offer, and provide 120 attendees with opportunities for learning, discussion and networking.
Comments Rob Hubbard, Chair of the eLearning Network, ‘We couldn’t be more delighted to be joined by Stephen Heppell. He really is at the forefront of using technology in learning and education, and has both witnessed and affected so much change in his career. His keynote is bound to be the highlight of the day.’
He continues, ‘We really wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion, not just in our history but of the history of elearning in the UK. So much has happened in the past 25 years. And we’re looking forward to a short trip down memory lane, coupled with a look ahead at some of the very latest that learning technology has to offer both now and in the future. Oh, and the champagne and cake should also add a welcome note to the proceedings!’
Fittingly, the event is being strongly supported by the learning and development community. Companies including GoodPractice, Epic, Unicorn, Upside Learning and MKC Training Services are helping the eLearning Network put on the event. They will form part of a showcase of the very latest in learning innovation through a mix of short demonstrations and a small hands-on exhibition area.
Tickets can be reserved via the eLearning Network website or by contacting Pat Straughan via [email protected] or by calling 01730 850650. Sponsorship enquiries: [email protected] / 07788 246596.