eLN Announces New Summer Event Schedule
The eLN has announced a range of new events making membership of the network more attractive than ever - This Year's eLN Showcase to be opened by Dr Itiel Dror - Leading Consultant and Author Clive Shepherd Hosts
Online Live Members Only Session.
Showcase opens with presentation by Dr Itiel Dror
The eLearning Network (eLN), the UK's foremost professional association of users and developers of all forms of eLearning, has announced a new summer calendar of events, making membership of the eLN more attractive than ever before.
This year's Showcase, a key event in the eLearning diary, will be opened by Dr Itiel Dror, a leading cognitive and behavioural psychologist. Dr Dror from Southampton University's School of Psychology specialises in knowledge acquisition, training and cognitive technologies and is well known for his amusing and provocative approach to eLearning.
To be held on 6th July at the Hilton Hotel in London, the eLN Showcase combines a range of presentations, seminars, training sessions and exhibitions covering a wide variety of subjects related to eLearning. The theme this year is Profiling Excellence and will bring together leading eLearning professionals, corporate leaders, development and technology communities and influential figures in the eLearning industry.
Phil Green, eLN chairman said:
"We are very lucky to have Dr Dror as our special guest because he offers an alternative look at the science of learning and never fails to entertain with his innovative and unique style. In addition we have ten stimulating and thought provoking presentations and case studies on aspects of achieving best practice in eLearning design, development or implementation."
The cost to exhibit at this prestigious event is only £795 plus VAT for eLN members and £995 plus VAT for non members and includes a unique speaking opportunity to reach and network with some of the most influential eLearning practitioners in the country.
If you are thinking of attending and would like further information please visit
http://www.elearningnetwork.org/futureconferences.htm. or email [email protected]
Clive Shepherd to host live online session
As part of its on-going commitment to offer its members thought provoking and informative learning opportunities, the eLN is putting together a new schedule of members only live online sessions with leading eLearning professionals and industrialists.
The first session, which will take place on 17th July from 12pm to 13.15pm, will be hosted by leading consultant Clive Shepherd, 'author, columnist and blogger.' Clive specialises in the application of technology to learning and communications at work. With more than twenty five years of experience in this field, Clive is acknowledged as a thought leader in the UK in all aspects of technology-assisted learning.
Clive is currently working on a new book, Learning in All Contexts, which will the subject of his presentation. Clive will share with eLN members his thoughts on how to integrate formal and informal learning into a coherent and successful strategy.
For information on joining the session please visit www.elearningnetwork.org
Phil continued:
"There is a lot happening at the eLN at the moment - probably why membership is up 30 per cent and growing. We also include subscriptions to two of the industry's most important publications - e.learning Age and Human Capital Management - in our membership fee so it is easy to see why so many eLearning companies are finding it an easy investment to make."
The eLN organises a number of learning and networking events for members and non-members throughout the year and is a co-sponsor of the eLearning Awards. The deadline for the 2007 awards is 29th June and Phil urges anyone considering submitting an entry to visit the website for further information asap at www.elearningage.co.uk/goawards.htm