Browsing news: Research

    • A new breed of leaders emerges in 2021 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Talent Acquisition

      Fosway | Cirencester, UK |

      Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst, has released its new 2021 9-Grid™ for Talent Acquisition. Following a year of untold disruption, with polarised realities of recruitment putting some organisations into ‘Explode’ mode and many others into ‘Implode’, the research provides a timely temperature check post-COVID-19.

    • LMS satisfaction rates rise bucking downward trend

      Learning News | London |

      Training Industry survey shows organisations’ satisfaction with their learning management systems has risen for the first time: interview with Gordon Johnson from Totara.

    • Research Findings Offer Boost for Consultancy Services

      eCom Learning Solutions | Dunfermline, Scotland |

      When it comes to corporate learning and development, never has the need for external consultancy services been greater, believes the digital learning and assessment specialist, eCom Scotland.

    • Digital learning in 2021

      Learning News | London |

      Interview with Fosway's David Perring on the 2021 9-Grid™ for Digital Learning market report.

    • Measuring the business impact of learning

      Learning News | London |

      Interview with Piers Lea and David Ells, authors of the 5th annual report into the progress L&D is making with measuring the business impact of learning programmes.

    • Priorities shift for learning and development

      Learning News | London |

      L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2021 report published; Donald H Taylor outlines key shifts in sentiment; re-skilling and up-skilling emerge as top L&D priority; collaborative and social learning increasingly recognised by L&D.

    • Learning systems market analysis

      Learning News | London |

      David Wilson, from market analyst Fosway, discusses the learning systems market, offering an in-depth view during the pandemic and where the market's priorities lie for 2021.

    • What’s different about digital learning in 2021?

      Fosway | Cirencester, UK |

      Following a year of disruption and unprecedented demand for digital learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Digital Learning Realities research opens today to uncover what’s different as we begin 2021. Run in partnership by Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst and Learning Technologies, Europe’s leading learning workplace event, the survey aims to uncover what is really happening in digital learning today and provide practical insights into what is helping people learn – especially as the world remains in a moment of crisis.

    • Virtual classrooms powering learning but potential remains for high value people development

      Fosway | Cirencester, UK |

      New research shows virtual classrooms are powering learning through the pandemic …but still have untapped potential for high value people development. 97% of organisations are now using virtual classrooms to support learning and development, with over half (53%) reporting that they have proved to be their most successful learning platforms during the COVID-19 crisis. This data is part of new research conducted by Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst, in partnership with Barco, a global provider of networked visualisation solutions. It follows Fosway research earlier in 2020 which showed that 95% of learning leaders believe L&D has changed forever because of the pandemic.

    • Learning Health Check: initial findings

      Learning News | London |

      Learning News in conversation with Nahdia Khan on the initial findings of Emerald Works’ annual Learning Health Check: spend on learning and development is up; tech proportion increased to 31%; shift from compliance to building capability; data analytics growing at quicker pace; improvements to strategic behaviour.

    • Dramatic shifts in this year’s L&D Global Sentiment Survey

      Donald H Taylor | London |

      The 8th annual L&D Global Sentiment Survey – launched at the beginning of this month – is already showing some dramatic shifts in comparison with last year, according to survey author, Donald H Taylor.

    • CrossKnowledge presents A Qualitative Study on the Digital Learners Perspective

      CrossKnowledge | London, United Kingdom |

      Digital learning has experienced a rapid acceleration of popularity during 2020 with many organisations implementing digital solutions for the first time. CrossKnowledge has commissioned a qualitative study to discover what our end users really want from their learning platforms. The resulting research is a must read for any L&D professional no matter of their organisations maturity with digital learning.