Browsing news: People

    • Learning Technologies research: Fosway’s David Perring on LNTV

      Learning Now tv | London |

      August’s Learning Now tv: the latest L&D research from Fosway and Learning Technologies; collaboration at work - incorporating feelings to improve performance; plus Henry Stewart on modern apprenticeships and the Apprenticeship Levy.

    • Training Press Releases becomes Learning News

      Learning News | Stourbridge, UK |

      Training Press Releases, the learning sector’s longest established dedicated news distribution platform, is now rebranded as Learning News.

    • Watson Martin Partnership celebrates excellent CIPD exam results

      Watson Martin | London | UK |

      First time pass rates up, more top marks, plus higher than national average results. Watson Martin Partnership again celebrates an excellent set of CIPD examination results with 83% of first time candidates achieving success and many more than the national average receiving distinctions and merits. Overall, out of the 60 Watson Martin Partnership candidates who sat the exams in Human Resource Management in Context (HRC) and Leading, Managing and Developing People (LMP) in May, 78% were awarded a pass or higher compared to 75% nationally.

    • Apprenticeship and leadership programmes: Kwik-Fit’s focus on people

      Learning Now tv | London |

      Learning Now tv this month talks with Kwik-Fit’s People Director Paul Binks about Kwik-Fit's apprenticeship and leadership programmes; the LPI’s Ed Monk talks about the current state of L&D; plus interviews on workplace diversity and online learning in engineering.

    • Digital transformation at Citi Bank on Learning Now tv

      Learning Now tv | London |

      Learning Now tv this month includes an interview with Citi Bank’s head of learning, Brian Murphy on the digital transformation project that won a Gold Award at the 2017 Learning Awards. Plus an L&D manager’s journey from online learning novice to online learning expert; and Martin Couzins discusses Deloitte's Human Capital Trends report.

    • People Development at Transport for London on Learning Now tv

      Learning Now tv | London |

      Learning Now tv this month includes an interview with Alexandra Bode-Tunji, Programme Lead - People Development at Transport for London, on TfL’s huge people transformation project. Plus: leadership development; state of the nation - learning in the US; Towards Maturity’s 2016-17 benchmark.

    • Lean and agile learning on Learning Now tv

      Learning Now tv | London |

      Learning Now tv this month reports on lean and agile learning and the differences between them with Learning Strategist, David James. Plus insights into the learning market in the Netherlands, competency frameworks and the challenges faced by CLOs in India.

    • 2017 Corporate Elearning Movers and Shakers announced

      Learning News | UK |

      Bob Little’s 2017 movers and shakers list has been published, ranking the top 100 most influential people in corporate elearning; Elliott Masie, Rebecca Stromeyer and Laura Overton positioned in top three.

    • Steve Rayson Joins Fuse Universal Advisory Board

      Fuse Universal | London, UK |

      We are delighted to announce that eLearning and marketing entrepreneur Steve Rayson is to join the advisory board at Fuse Universal. Steve will be supporting Fuse with their digital marketing, sales, and events strategies.

    • Agylia announces Head of Consulting Services

      Civica | Bristol, UK |

      Agylia, a global leader in the provision of learning management and mobile learning solutions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Jefferies as Agylia’s Head of Consulting Services.

    • Empowering women leaders on Learning Now tv

      Learning Now tv | London |

      On November’s Learning Now tv Sarah Frame and Marilyn Gilchrist talk about the Aspire Women's Network, which aims to get a global financial institution to take women into senior positions.

    • Artificial intelligence in learning and education

      Learning Now tv | London |

      October’s Learning Now tv looks to artificial intelligence in the world of learning in an interview with learning and education sector futurist and commentator, Donald Clark.