Lumesse Learning is proud to announce the launch of a ground-breaking new product for the self-directed learner, designed to help organisations succeed in today’s digitally transforming business environment.
Clear Lessons has formed a partnership with Engage in Learning, to provide new and existing leaders with a wide range of multimedia resources to inspire them.
Saba Software, a leading provider of people-centric talent management solutions, today announced it has been recognised by IDC as a Leader and Major Player in the latest series of IDC Worldwide MarketScape reports, which evaluate the leading providers in Integrated Talent Management. Saba was named a Leader in IDC's Worldwide Learning Management Vendor Assessment and Worldwide Compensation Management Vendor Assessment (with its Halogen TalentSpace solution), as well as a Major Player in the Integrated Talent Management Vendor Assessment and Worldwide Performance Management Vendor Assessment.
As part of the new Digital Marketplace framework (G-Cloud 10), UK public sector and not-for-profit organisations can source custom eLearning and microlearning content creation services from Agylia.
To combat the fraudsters, EssentialSkillz has added an eLearning course specifically about Phishing as part of their Business Protection Pack. The Pack now contains 17 Courses, all of which are accredited for CPD.
The UpsideLMS-BizLibrary partnership will give UpsideLMS' clients and prospects unlimited access to BizLibrary’s award-winning online training library containing more than 6,500 video lessons and courses on a diverse range of topics.
Businesses must remain agile if they are to succeed. Steve Jobs defined this concept in his ‘5 Nevers’:
Never give up. Never pretend. Never stand still. Never cling to the past. Never stop dreaming.
Nimble follows a similar philosophy, which is reflected in the recent expansion of its teams.
Leading eLearning provider EssentialSkillz has been successful in achieving supplier status on the new G-Cloud 10 (G10) supplier list after transitioning from the previous G9 list. EssentialSkillz offers compliance solutions to Public Sector organisations looking to streamline their Online Safety Training and Risk Assessment processes.
UpsideLMS’ recently released infographic, titled 'The 'Mobile' of Workplace Learning', leverages the latest stats on mobiles and Mobile Learning to highlight the importance of this new-age learning/ training approach in the context of workplace learning.
Let the trumpets sound. The call has gone out.
Nimble is on the look-out to recognise and reward excellence and innovation in elearning. The Gloucestershire-based company will celebrate best practice of their customers at the annual Nimble Community Day (conference, networking and awards) on 13 September, at Stonehouse Court Hotel.
Marshall E-Learning Consultancy, the leading diversity and equality e-learning provider, today announces the launch of its Performance Development training course. Created in partnership with University College London (UCL), the course focuses on coaching conversations and career development.
UpsideMOVE, an Offline Mobile Learning app for iOS and Android from UpsideLMS, now enables businesses to deliver training/ performance support to its learners "without" the Internet.
Market analyst, David Wilson - CEO of Fosway, talks to Learning News about the learning market and how it's responding to unprecedented business change. In part one we look at L&D's response to the drive for agility across business and the digital transformation agenda.