Browsing news: E-learning

    • Cursim helps Beyond the Pill to empower students in California

      Omniplex Learning | Harpenden, UK |

      Cursim, Omniplex’s learning design and development division, has helped Beyond the Pill transform its face-to-face training into mobile learning; to empower and engage its millennial target audience.

    • Skillcast Seminar: SCORM Games

      Skillcast | London, UK |

      Skillcast is presenting a seminar on how to build serious games that work on SCORM-compliance learning management systems (LMS) and the exciting possibilities this opens up for engaging employees, personalising e-learning courses and generating a wealth of information on compliance and competency in organisations.

    • Next generation language learning

      Learning News | London |

      Armin Hopp talks about the Speexx next generation language learning platform and the challenges faced by customers and his business in 2019.

    • Understanding leadership in a digital age

      Kineo |

      City & Guilds Group research reveals that just a third of leaders in multi-national organisations are well prepared for leading in a digital age. Biggest barriers to transformation include cybersecurity, reskilling the workforce, and fear of change. 80 percent of employees say leaders with good digital skills are more successful and better at communicating with colleagues and clients

    • Film School Techniques for Live-Action Video Learning

      iSpring Solutions | Alexandria | VA | USA |

      iSpring Solutions and Curious Lion’s Andrew Barry will co-host a webinar on how to use live-action video to tell compelling stories and educate an audience. This session will explain how to apply five fundamental dimensions of filmmaking to creating live-action video-based training.

    • Traineasy Meets the National Data Guardian Standards

      Traineasy | Milton Keynes, UK |

      The NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards. After a lot of work (100 mandatory evidence items provided and 40 assertions confirmed) Traineasy, a significant supplier of learning management and online appraisal solutions to the NHS in England, has shown it meets these standards.

    • Video learning back on top

      Learning News | London |

      Martin Baker, Founder and CEO of Clear Lessons, on why video is back on top for workplace learning.

    • Julian Roberts on EssentialSkillz’ compliance focus

      Learning News | London |

      An interview with Julian Roberts, CEO of EssentialSkillz, on the ‘compliance-focused’ proposition that makes EssentialSkillz different, the challenges that lie ahead and his priorities for 2019.

    • MPS Interactive Systems at LT2019

      Learning News | London |

      MPS Interactive Systems’ proposition, priorities and focus: an interview with SVP, Anna Kuehl, at Learning Technologies 2019.

    • L&D sentiment in 2019

      Learning News | London |

      Donald H Taylor talks to Learning News about the L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2019.

    • John Williams, Kineo: Global challenges

      Learning News | London |

      John Williams, Global Marketing Director, City & Guilds Kineo, talks to Learning News about its customers and its priorities as the business builds a global capability.