Browsing news: Education

    • BTL Launches Surpass® at African Education Week – 6th to 8th July 2011

      BTL | Shipley, United Kingdom |

      BTL Group Ltd, a leading UK based provider of e-Assessment solutions, is proud to be launching their Surpass® e-Assessment Platform in Africa during the Education Week Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. Surpass® is trusted by some of the world’s leading exam and certification bodies to develop and deliver their global e-Assessment programmes.

    • Open University engineering degrees receive IMechE accreditation

      The Open University | Milton Keynes |

      The Open University has just received accreditation from The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) for its engineering degrees. This is in addition to their recent re-accreditation by the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) and Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). Professional membership of engineering institutions requires formal assessment and recognition of the level of experience and qualifications achieved.

    • New technology to help young children's reading

      The Open University | Milton Keynes |

      Researchers at The Open University have created a free 'app' to help parents teach their children to read.
      Our Story has been designed to be used on mobile devices, such as the iphone or iPad. The app incorporates research findings and theory to provide the experiences known to develop the abilities and motivation for reading. Parents can easily create their own personal picture books, stories and games and in doing so support vocabulary development and reading skills.

    • Kineo announces an extended fee-free e-portfolio service for New Zealand schools

      Kineo | Brighton, UK |

      Kineo Pacific delighted to announce the continuation of the free MyPortfolio service, to all New Zealand schools, until (at least) the end of 2013. 'We're very excited to have the support and be working with the Ministry of Education on truly 21st century learning technologies. To our knowledge, a nationally provided e-portfolio and social learning network for schools is a world first', said Kineo Pacific Director, Richard Wyles.